The Report Builder in the Luminate Music Platform can be used to create customized Ranked reports using multiple types of filters. These reports will show the user where specific releases land based on ranking compared to competitive titles.
For users of the Music Connect system, the Report Builder is comparable to the Ranked Lists feature.
Here are the steps on how to create reports in the Report Builder:
In the left hand menu, click on the Report Builder icon and click on Ranking.
You have the ability to Rank based on Song, Release Group or Artist by clicking on the option.
You can type in the space provided a name for the report you want to create.
Where it states Click to add depth, you can select any of the Preset values that are provided, up to 10,000 titles.
Where it says Ranked By, you can click on the Click to Add Activity and you can select the metric that you want to rank by. Note that you can only select one metric.
You can then add additional information to your report by clicking on Add Additional Criteria.
You can add specific country locations, time frames, Release Age, Genres (either Billboard or Luminate genres; for more information on genres, please refer to the Insights article), Markets (only for United States and Canada).
If you are running an Artist report, you can also select additional criteria, including Country Of Origin, Artist Type, Language and Gender.
Once you have selected all the criteria you would like to include in the report, click on Build Report.
You will see a notice that your report has been submitted. You can continue to build other reports, or you can click on Go To Management and it will take you to that section. You can also click on Management in the left hand menu.
In Management, you can see your Reports History with all the reports you have run in the past.
You can check the box next to the report to export the report to Excel or CSV.
You can also click on the dots under the Actions column to export the report or get more details.
Also in the Actions column is the option to Clone a report. As there is currently not a scheduling option in the Report Builder, Cloning a report will allow you to easily run the same report and add any changes, such as date range.
Click on Clone and it will go back to the Ranking page and in the title of the report, you will see Clone at the beginning. You can then select the Options bar at the top of the page and change the date range or any other option.