Power Users
What's the difference between Luminate SV(M) Charts and Variety Streaming Original Charts?
The Variety Streaming Originals Television Charts will be identical to the Luminate Top TV Shows. The Variety Streaming Originals Film Charts will differ from the Luminate Top Movies because SV(M) Charts include films released theatrically that have ...
What is Automatic Content Recognition (ACR)?
Automatic Content Recognition (ACR) is a technology used to identify content played on a smart TV or connected device (AppleTV, Amazon Fire TV Stick, etc.), and allows for the collection of content consumption information automatically and ...
How are multiple TVs in a single household counted?
SV(M) counts each TV within a household as a distinct and separate source of viewing minutes. On average the US home has 1.3 TV's per household.
Where do I find additional information on SV(M)?
To see more articles about SV(M) please use your username and password to login to Knowledge Base. Once logged in, you will find articles: About SV(M) How to use SV(M) Common user questions A Quickstart Guide Features coming soon If you have further ...
Does SV(M) support multi week or custom date range searches?
Luminate currently measures a week from Friday to Thursday. Users may select current week, last week, year to date or custom date ranges using the Time Frame selector located at the top of the page. The only place a weekly view are the chart's pages ...
Does SV(M) support data exports from the UX?
SV(M) supports exports from film and TV series detail pages. Simply scroll down to the Trends Graph and click on the three yellow dots on the right margin of the page. The platform currently supports CSV and Microsoft Excel exports.
Does SV(M) sum the total minutes watched for each platform?
Yes. SV(M) shows total minutes watched for original film, TV and episodic content on each of the major streaming platforms across multiple time periods. Please note: SV(M) is focused on original content and therefore does not offer an aggregate total ...
Announced: Physical sales data from StreetPulse
Please note, as of April 19, 2024, U.S. independent retailer physical sales data from StreetPulse will be updated daily: